Church Offices Department

Join the 'Church Office' Team as a weekday volunteer. Assist staff with projects and administrative tasks, as well as preparation for the upcoming worship experiences.
Connections Department

Join the 'Guest Experience' Team and help give people a reason to give church a chance again. Parking lot, lobby, sanctuary, first-responder, online chat hosts, and follow-up teams are among the first faces and voices first-time guests will see as they step on campus. Join the team privileged with providing them a warm, safe, and welcoming environment.
Praise & Production Department
praise & production Team

Join the 'Praise & Production' Department responsible for supporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ presented on stage at Stedman PHC. Serve behind the scenes operating lights, live and still-shot cameras, video computers, sound and more. Or, serve out-front by joining the band, choir and front-line singers.
Discipleship Department
Kids discipleship Team

Join one of the the largest teams at Stedman PHC--the 'Kids Discipleship' Team. This team is privileged with the task of inspiring the next generation to live as lifelong, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Work directly with children through Bible stories, songs and group activities or work behind the scenes to provide the best experience possible for both kids and parents. Serve on a Sunday morning or a Wednesday night as a check-in host, teacher, assistant or multimedia tech.
Student discipleship Team

Join the 'Student Discipleship' Team excited about inspiring middle and high school students to live as lifelong, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Work directly with students or serve behind the scenes to provide the best experience possible for both student and parents. Serve Sunday nights in any number of capacities be it as a check-in host, small group facilitator, worship team leader, games and ice-breakers facilitator, or any number of other opportunities.
Adult discipleship Team

Join the 'Adult Discipleship' Team privileged with the task of inspiring adults of all ages to live as lifelong, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Serve as a Community Group facilitator, altar worker, a shut-in and hospital visitation team member, an intercessory prayer team member, a meal hospitality team member, and more.